Saturday, August 12, 2006

A Few Pics

We atart here with some pictures of our garden. It is getting abit unruly and we need to do some triming soon! These pictures are actually taken right before the big storm last weekend. Read on to the post beyond this one to see more about that!

New ivy coming in nicely!

Our pretty flowers! We cut some of the big ones today and gave them to my mother.

Ivy growing out the edges!

Ivy growing crazy and pretty flowers!

Dad to be posing with his first baby, Tyler!

Thunder getting to know the new person a little early.

Tyler sleeping with his remote. He likes to get the remotes.

Here he is! The dad to be! Does he look like a dad yet?

Well, this is one of our favorite summer activities - playing our Nintendo DS's! I like Soduko, so does Andy, but he's playing a lot of other games too.

Sleeping kitty Tyler. He's so adorable!

And finally the big belly! This is about a week and a half ago, I have one for last week too but it's not ready yet. As you can imagine, I am already bigger!

Be sure to read on to the next post to hear my rantings and raving of how things are going and how I am doing!

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