Friday, January 09, 2009

Dog Poop Happens

We had such a great time at my mother's yesterday. Our day with Grandma started at Christina's for lunch, where she met us so we didn't have to get the boys in and out of the carseats. We sat there and ate and talked and played for almost an hour, it was a blast! Then Andrew was ready to go and play! So we headed to a park near Grandma's home. Andrew spent most of the time being pushed in a swing but he also climbed and jumped from very high ledges, and even went on a nature walk with Daddy through some woodsy areas. I really wanted to go but my back was sore from carrying Paul T! That child is getting so big! That reminds me I need to weigh him...

Anyway, after playing at the park for a good long time, we headed back to Grandma's. She needed Andy to take care of some things around the place for her, which he loves doing, and I wanted to get her mixer to borrow for bread making. And Andrew has special toys over there. One is a 3 car garage with keys for each garage shaped differently. it is so neat to see him get better and better at opening the doors to get the cars out every time we are there, this time he almost did it himself!

It was so beautiful outside that i took Andrew out to play on Grandma's ramp. She uses a walker and has a huge ramp taking up most of her yard that goes around. So we took out a big car and pushed it down the ramp. That is until I had to go and get Paul! Then Andy came out and took Andrew for a short walk to find stick guns. lol Well when he got back to Grandma's Andrew was in no way ready to come in. So Grandma came out and watched him while he played in her rock path and dried leaves that surround the ramp on the ground. Andrew is such a strong thrower and he was marveling his Grandma with his skills. He would throw rocks at her ramp and could throw from almost one end to the other!

While he was doing that I started packing up the van. My mom had several things for us and I was carrying around Paul, and Andy was finishing up changing some light bulbs. On about my 3rd trip with both hands and arms full, as I was coming out the door, Andrew starts whining for me. I headed out to see, asking if he was OK. He was holding up his hand and saying "hand" and it looked like he had a piece of pine needle sticking out of it! But he wasn't crying in pain. And then he started saying "yucky" and "wipe it." My hands were completely full but I walked closer to inspect him. I didn't have to get too close...

He had found a bit of fresh dog poop amongst the leaves! I smelled it before I even got to him! I was gagging and hollering for Andy to come quick. Andrew had it squished all around his fingers and smeared across the front of one shoe. I had Paul T in my arms along with many other miscellaneous things so I wasn't getting any closer. Andy came out and grabbed him up and carried him to the bathroom where they washed up in the tub.

It was quite funny actually, and quite a bit more stinky. He disturbed some dogs buried treasure and now my poor mom's whole front walkway stunk like it even from a distance! Ew.

Well, with all the commotion and all the trips I made to the van, I forgot to get the darned mixer! Ah well, like I said, dog poop happens. :D

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