Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What a Lucky Day!

Cosmically speaking that is. This whole year being 07 is luck but to have a day with 03 as the month and 07 as the day is extra lucky! Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
We have a little scooter around here. Backwards! His arms aren’t quite strong enough to hold him up but he can push himself backwards and boy does he! I put him on the floor and put some toys just out of reach and watch him figure it out. We are so proud of him! He tries so hard!
He can spin himself around on his belly and roll from back to front now as well as front to back. Though I haven’t seen him do a complete roll yet and I don’t think he quite realizes that this mean he can get somewhere! I know he’ll figure it out soon.
It is so cute to watching him get frustrated trying to get the toy in front of him and not being able to work that out. I have no doubt all this practice and exercise will have him crawling in no time and I will be scrambling!
We still miss our big fat cat around here. It has been a rough week for sure. We are so incredibly grateful to have Andrew as a source of happiness and distraction.
The tooth is almost completely in I think and I can’t tell if more are on the way. I thought for sure last weekend they were. He seemed in pain and upset so we got him some teething tablets that are a natural pain reliever. But the last day or two it hasn’t seemed to bother him so maybe we are done for a while. We shall see I suppose. Everyday is different!
Well, he’s on the floor right now trying to get to his elephant and scooting farther and farther a way from it and getting frustrated so I am going to see if I can show him how to get over there!

Remember to check the photo album! The new month is up!

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