He was much more than just a pet to us. He was a dear friend to Andy and a baby to me.
He lived to be 14 years old and for a cat that is quite a long time. Especially with his weight and breathing problems. We believe his poor old tired body finally gave out.
We are so heartbroken here.
Andrew was so good yesterday while Mommy and Daddy cried over Tyler. He sat with us and watched.
We buried Tyler ourselves with help of Meema in a special place, (Thanks Grandmother,) so we always know where he is.
Some of you may remember the video we made of him last summer. I am so glad we did! It highlights some of his favorite things and catches him doing some of the things he did most.
He also slept with us every night. Before the baby he slept between us and after he slept either on the other side of Andy or between Andy’s legs. Until in the morning when Andrew and I would get up, then Tyler after having some breakfast would always go back to bed and cuddle right up next to Andy.
Andy had him for a very long time, some of that time was just the 2 of them. They were very close and this will be a hard time for Andy especially. Please keep him and our whole family in your thoughts and prayers. We have lost a member of our family.To loosely quote a good friend of ours, Tyler's awesomeness will be greatly missed. We love you Tyler, you live in our hearts forever!
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