Saturday, February 03, 2007

Just So Busy!

This one will be brief because my time to sit still for extended periods seems to be slowly coming to an end. Our Little Mister, not so little anymore btw, is becoming quite the busy bee! He has rolled over a few times but not into just rolling around yet or anything. But he does not like to sit still! He used to just sit on my lap while I played online or worked and would be content just to be close to mommy and look about a little bit. Not anymore! Even from the moment we first get up in the morning, and believe me I am in no shape for playing first thing in the morning, he is raring to go! I can’t just set him in his bouncy anymore and talk to him or read to him from the internet. He is always looking over my shoulder when I hold him now for something to do, looking at his toys or at the cats. He doesn’t like to be on the floor on his tummy for long, but I feel like even when he starts to get frustrated, I should leave him so he can learn to go, you know, be motivated to move. Not that I want him to hurry!

I feel like my baby is growing up now that he doesn’t want to be babied so much anymore. He spends most of his time in his exersaucer playing or playing with one of us on the floor. He always wants his toys or just any old thing I give him that’s new (box of Jello perhaps?) or he loves some peek-a-boo and getting tickled with “goochie goochies.” Oh we are having a ton of fun! He giggles and talks so much now! He has all kinds of things to say.

I am actually excited for his to become mobile now though I am not in any rush just because I know how much he is going to love exploring! I’ve been thinking of cleaning out drawers in the living room and filling them with things he can get into and explore. I already moved everything around in the kitchen so he can get into all the lower cabinets with no dangers and can pull everything out and inspect it all.

Well, he just pooped so I must go!

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