Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Things

It has officially been over one full year that this blog has been in action. Thank you to all of you who stop here to check in on us, it means so much to me to feel so loved!

I wanted to tell you all a few of the new things Andrew is doing lately.

His vocal repertoire has grown quite a bit in the last weeks. He recently added a hard G sound, “g-g-g-g-g,” and I have been singing to him songs using the words Goo-goo and Gaa-gaa since it almost sounds like what he says! Yesterday he added even one more sound, he started humming. “Mmmmmm.” I am convinced it is because he is about to say Mama! He hummed all day yesterday! He’d go up and down, “MMMMmmmm. mmmmMMMM.” And when he does it he pulls his lower lip in slightly and pooches out his upper lip a little. Mmmmmmmm

He’s also been quite the drooler. I am sure he is starting the teething process but not sure how far we are from any teeth. He hasn’t seemed bothered with discomfort but that may mean it won’t bother him! Some kids just aren’t bothered by teeth. I know babies don’t know how to swallow their spit and he’s been drooling for a while now but it seems to have increased a lot as of late, and he can soak through 2-3 bibs a day.

He is getting quite good at grabbing. He gets lots of practice! Though it often takes him a few tries to get what he’s reaching for. He is getting better and sometimes he can catch it on the first grab! And objects have become more likely to make it into his mouth. For a while there he would turn his hand when he brought it to his mouth so that it was his own hand and not the object he’d bite, but now he actually bites the object more often than his hand. Especially it seems if it is a toy he is familiar with.

His exersaucer toys stand no chance! He bends and pulls on them as best he can! I swear there are two that will break any day now! I doubt it seriously, I am sure it is built to withstand such abuse but it sure does get pulled to its limits!

He is also into banging his toys. This is very recent. He will just whack them on whatever surface is closest, usually his exersaucer, but sometimes the floor or even last night at a dinner table!

Still quite the kicker, which I love. His little chubby legs get going to town! On his tummy or his back he will kick like crazy.

Not too interested in rolling over though. I keep trying to tell him if he rolls he can get somewhere but he’d usually rather cry. I know I am supposed to let him get frustrated but I am not sure how frustrated. I can’t take it for very long! And our floors are cold so I don’t like to leave him down there too long anyway! At least I have seen him roll over several times so I know he can do it.

When we were out last night, it was a fundraising event in our town by the local Mason group, he was sitting at the table in his Bumbo and people were all commenting on how well he held his head up! I am surprised by that. He’s been holding his head up for a long time, and I did too when I was a baby. I just assumed most babies do that well by 4 months, but I guess not. Which makes me feel much better about the whole rolling over thing! He must be not only on target but maybe even ahead!

Still sleeping really well through the night, 10-12 hours waking only a few times to eat and not even really waking for that! It took us a little over a week to completely recover from the shots and get back on this schedule and mommy was getting pretty tired but now that my sleeping baby is back I am back too! I try to get up about an hour before he does so I have some time to get all the way woken up. It’s been nice having some time to myself too. But I tell you what, I sure am ready for him to get up by the time he does! I miss him!

Make sure you check out the webalbum in the Holiday folder. We took some pictures on Valentine's Day!
From Baby Holidays

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