Thursday, March 09, 2006

Doing Great!

I am feeling great lately! Of course this makes me nervous, aren’t I supposed to be sick? Seriously, I think my only problems as of late are worry. I know though that the worry has not yet begun. As soon as we have this delicate little life in our hands to nurture and teach, the real worry begins! It will be a fun journey.
Last week we went to a clinic. The Medicaid had yet to come through but I wanted to see someone to be sure all was going well. They were great and said they’d send us a bill but hold on to it and give it to Medicaid once it comes through. I didn’t like a few things about the place. 1. Andy couldn’t come with me to the room for my appointment. Now to be fair I got all the girly stuff done (pap and so on), so I understand them not wanting him there for that, but I also got to hear the heartbeat on a Doppler, which he missed. It sounded great. So fast! But really strong and healthy! 2. It’s a clinic not a set doctor. I saw a practitioner, which was fine, but I’d probably never see the same one again if I went back there. I really want a doc I can see repeatedly.
While I was waiting one of the many, many times we sat there and waited for the next step, I received a very promising phone call. It was from a lady about something called the Star Program. She told me they assisted Medicaid members in choosing a physician. In fact, if I didn’t choose one they would have to choose for me. There were also two different plans I could choose from. This was great because the clinic, besides its things I mentioned, was also far away. The lady told me to keep and eye out in the mail for my information. It came the next day! I looked through it and found a list of Ob/Gyns but they were all so far. I really didn’t know what to do. She called back on Tuesday but I missed it. When I came home from work on Thursday, there was a note for me on the door saying I better call them by the next day or I’d be out of luck. I called right away and the operator explained more to me. I had more choices than I had been looking at, I just didn’t understand it all. I told the guy, I needed a little more time and I’d call back So I looked some more and called a couple of docs to see if I could use them as primary care physicians, which is what I needed to select, even though they were Obs. I found one that sounded fine and booked me for an appointment right away even though I said I was waiting for the confirmation on my Medicaid. I thought they seemed nice.
I called back and made my choice. The lady I spoke with was great! I asked her if she could tell if I got the Medicaid or not and she said yes! So I am pretty sure it’s coming. I’ll believe it for sure when I see it, but this was still awesome news. Apparently, I get a paper every month that I take with me to my appointment and a Medicaid card that also goes to appointments. Unfortunately I won’t start getting these things until April. But I have an appointment to see the new guy next Saturday. I am going to call then back and see if it’s ok if I come without the stuff or if I’d need to pay out of pocket. I am anxious to get started with him and meet him and all. His name is Doctor Anthony. He’s been a doctor about as long as I have been alive. I am also anxious to discuss things with him, just some of my concerns and ideas about the actual birth. He’s located at Presbyterian of Dallas hospital, so that’s probably where I’ll be having the little miracle.

Here is our precious Tyler resting comfortably and happily on our futon bed by our computers. How could anyone disturb such a sweetie?

Because it's funny! Here he is a fraction of a second after Andy clapped loudly by his head. He is so confused. What was that noise and what's that bright light? Why is everyone laughing at him? Don't you just want to rub this big guy!?!

Overall, it’s been a great week! Spring Break is next week so no school, though I have tests when I get back so I’ll be studying, but I don’t have to get up before dawn to do it!
Andy and I are having a great time together. I am getting the house cleaned and will soon start widling down our belongings. I know that babies don’t come alone, they come with a ton of stuff. I am a minimalist and don’t like having too much stuff, so this will be a challenge for me. I figured the best thing to do will be to clean out the stuff we have now and stream line. Plus, it makes moving easier. Now the question is where to? We have limited options as we have no proof of income yet, so we’ll see. As long as it’s closer to the grandparents!
I am getting a bit more of the pudge around the middle! I needed to though since I was a little underweight and want to go into the second trimester at a healthy weight, which is in one more week! Especially since that’s the time I really will gain! I have gained five pounds and they all seem to be in my belly. Building a little layer of fat to protect my person I suppose!

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