Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More Walking!

He had been doing it for a long time before we got out the camera and he was getting tired of it by this time. But he still does a super job of walking. By now he is almost walking more than crawling. He still holds on a lot and loves to hold someone's finger while he just walks around the apartment. He lets go of things now and takes a few steps before getting down to crawl. He is making it completely across the room at times without getting down at all!

He finally got that 6th tooth through and today is already acting like his old self again. He was so sad and in pain big time for the last few days and slightly for the last few weeks. Last night he slept for 13 hours, pobrecito must have needed it big time!

He love love loves playing outside! He walks around in the grass without holding on sometimes even and picks up everything he finds. Then he examines it and throw it and picks it up again! He even takes a while before he tries to eat it and not everything goes into the mouth!

Well he is on me right now so it is hard to type!

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