Thursday, July 05, 2007

9 Month Old Baby!

Wow here we are. 9 months in. What an adventure already!
I cannot upload more videos for a bit because we are having issues with our shared folder between our computers. But I will try to get on Andy’s to get some since we have so many right now! But he is on there most of the time so we’ll have to see. ;)

OK, big news. 2 days ago Andrew took his first steps! They were from Andy to me and back again and throughout the day. Then yesterday he did about 1 more over at our friend Bob’s house. He was way too busy at Bob’s to focus on walking!

It is shaky and difficult for him still but he gets it and I am hoping he will soon see how much more efficient of a method of self movement this whole walking thing is! We will continue to work with him daily. As of right now, I am counting first steps as the day before his 9 month birthday!

He has his 9 month check up tomorrow. I have no idea what this one will be like so I have a bit of anxiety. There will be no shots so that is a great relief but they will do a blood test and I am hoping it won’t be like they did when he was days old and had to have bilirubin checks. That was so heartbreaking and now that he’s older it would be harder to get him to hold still for them to drain his little heel and I know I’d have to hold him and I hate to think that he’d associate me with that. I hope they just prick his little finger! They will check iron and lead.

I also hope he is fine with those 2 things. I do not take iron supplements and every time I have been checked I have been way over the minimum so I hope he is getting enough from me. I haven’t been too focused on giving him iron rich foods but I will if they say his is low or anything.

I am excited to see how much he has grown. It has slowed a lot but like Pappy said last weekend, he feels like a hunk of lead! He is tall and solid!

Things are so great around here though. I do feel like the time slips away so much more quickly than ever before in my life! We are always on the go it seems. Even the days that we say, OK, we are staying here and not doing anything, we end up doing something!

Andrew is still a great sleeper and nurser. And he is about to get 4 new teeth I think. It is hard to tell for sure now that he has some in there!

He eats everything and anything he finds on the floor. Cat food and hair mostly!

He also eats about any food we put in front of him! His newest dinner is brown rice with peas and roasted red bell peppers and green onions. All homemade of course and he self feeds that. But this morning I tiny diced up some nectarine for him and he couldn’t pick it up because it was too slimy so he let me feed it to him because he wanted to eat it! He was so cute getting frustrated trying to pick the slippery things up too, he would try and try and then bang on the tray! I cut up the rest of the fruit into pieces for his mesh feeder and put them in the freezer. It is like a little popsicle for him to chew when his teeth are bothering him. But he does eat a lot of food now. Still nurses a lot thankfully, but he loves to eat! He eats avocado as I am sure you have seen and has tried blueberries and cherries. Peas are his present favorite of course especially the dried ones his Grandma got him! I’ve also given him tiny bits of raisin and I want to get him some prunes. I don’t think we have a much of a picky eater on our hands but he could change when he hits his toddlerhood.

His Grandmother had his portrait done at Sears and he did really well considering he was sleepy by the time it was done. They are quite cute and she ordered a lot for us to share. She is so sweet to do that. We all can’t wait to see how they turn out on paper. They were cute on the monitor! It is so cool how they do it now. When I was a kid we had to look at the pictures after they developed then pick some to order then wait for those to be done too! Now they just pop them on the screen and sell them to you and all you have to wait for is the final prints!
I would like to remind everyone that any of the pictures on the online album are available in any size also if there are any you’d like just let me know which ones and what size.

Hopefully I will be able to get some more videos up soon!

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