Sunday, September 07, 2008

So Much

There's so much going on right now! I have hardly had a chance to take pics of our sweet son let alone get anything posted! We are preparing to move and preparing to have this baby right around the same time. It takes a lot of planning and a lot of working ahead. So though we aren't moving until October 13th, I've started packing now as much as possible. We need to have it all done by the time the baby comes. or mostly done. There is a chance the baby won't be born until then but I have a feeling it'll come before the move. Either way would be fine though.

I'm 36 weeks so any time after 2 weeks from now is all good for baby to make the appearance! It's getting very close. And I feel it everywhere right now. i am so tired and sore all the time. but it has been a beautiful experience. I weigh almost as much now as I did by the time Andrew was born but thankfully there isn't much time to gain left! I am really looking forward to this labor and delivery. It'll be so neat to have a different experience from the last one. And I am really looking forward to having a tiny baby again! And also getting my milk back so Andrew has something to drink again!

Speaking of our amazing son Andrew, he did the coolest thing today! He pee peed int he potty! I had a feeling that he didn't like his little potty chair. It's doubles as a step stool for one thing and he may just see it as that. But also we don't use it. he sees mommy and daddy on the big potty so i am sure he knows that is what he should be using. So today I put him on it several times. And the last time he seemed to really be trying to tell me he had to go so I put him on it, called Daddy in to see the big boy sitting on the big potty, and then he surprised us both by peepeeing! We did a happy dance and cheered and clapped and made the big production it deserved. I dont' expect this to mean potty training but we will follow his lead and try to do as much naked butt time as we can. We just follow his cues and try to stay tuned in to him.

Please bear with me as we move and have a baby while there are fewer pictures on the web album and fewer videos posted here. I have tons backing up and will try to get a few done here and there maybe even this week. but for now I spend every moment trying to prepare, or of course taking care of the continuous daily life duties. And then we have an almost 2 year old we must play with as well! He can't get enough of his books right now and if he asks to read one I cannot deny him!

Thanks so much. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that this move and baby come at just the right time for us all and everything goes as smoothly as possible. We love you!

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