Sunday, June 17, 2007

First Time Swimming!

We took Andrew to our friend's apartment pool where she manages a week ago. It was his first time in a big pool and it was perfect! Our friend, Tammy, had her family over too so there were other kids to watch play. The weather was great, not steady sun beating down, some overcast and warm. The pool itself was so warm it was like a bath! Tammy said she'd been getting complaints about how warm it was from residents. Whatever! We loved it! And as you'll see Andrew did too!

At first he was unsure about what was going on, but once he got it, he GOT it! He would splash and splash and splash! We couldn't quite get him going on kicks just yet but it was all so overwhelming. We took him to the pool at our complex two days later and he loved that too! We'd love to take him every day but once it rains we have to wait for it to be cleaned again and the rain lately seems never ending... :(

Part 1

Part 2

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