Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A Whole Half

I guess that’s an oxymoron or misnomer to say, but our little man is now a whole half year old. And we’ve had a wonderful day for his 6 month birthday!
I really thought today would be the day for crawling but no such luck. He gets up on all fours quite a lot though. He may never crawl for real I am afraid. He gets around pretty well and seems satisfied with it for now. He can go fast too! I just don’t like his belly rubbing against the floor all the time. I want him to pick it up! It’s always covered in cat hair (and Mommy hair) no matter how often I sweep the floor!
He may be ready for food soon too. I do think he can handle it, it’s just up to me now to get it, bake it, and blend it! We’ll start with some winter squash, easy to digest, still sweet like mommy milk and a good fun start to food. Though I did let Daddy touch a dried fig to his tongue tonight! Lol. Andrew didn’t seem to mind it. He’s also getting used to the taste of lemons thanks to Mommy’s lemon water I feed him when we go out to eat!
We see the doc on Friday, more shots.  But he’ll get weighed and measured and all that so I am looking forward to it. Plus I after this no more shots until 12 months! Yay! And hopefully Andy won’t get sick at the same time so I have two sick boys to take care of.
We have some video of him crawling and I have some pics I will post soon.
I’ll post again after the appointment to let you know how it goes.

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