Tuesday, August 07, 2007

10 Months Old

Well our big boy is 10 months old now. And walking! He walks more than crawls at home now but is still crawling when he is in a big hurry! :D It's gosh darned cute let me tell you!

These videos are a few weeks old. But I wanted to get them up and shared before it was too too late. The first one is just him digging in the diaper bag. If I leave it open he goes through it. He loves to pull things out of boxes, bags, baskets, whatever! It's fun!

Sorry it is so dark.

This one is him playing in the kitchen cabinets. He is allowed in all but one of them and he like everything else, just empties them! lol He had been playing the pots like drums but stopped as soon as I started filming as usual. I also wish I could catch more of his new noises on video! He is getting the sweetest sounding voice!

I have started the new album for his 11th month and changed the names of all the others to reflect his age and not the month. I think it will be less confusing for us all. lol

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